Court And City Register, For England, Scotland, Ireland, And the Colonies, 1817
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Court And City Register, For England, Scotland, Ireland, And the Colonies, 1817
936 įrašų
Royal Kalendar: And Court And City Register, For England, Scotland, Ireland, And the Colonies (.). 1814, 1818, 1821 bound with Rider&apos;s British Merlin ... with notes of husbandry, fairs, marts, and<br><br> tables for many necessary uses ..<br><br>1814 bound with New companion to the London and Royal calendars, or court and city register<br><br>1814, 1818 bound with The Arms of the peers, peeresses, &c. of the United Kingdom<br><br>1814 bound with The ast-India register and directory<br><br>1814 bound with The present peerage of the United Kingdom<br><br>1818, 1821 bound with Companion to the London and Royal calendars<br><br>1821, bound with The present baronetage of the United Kingdom
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