Records of the Colony of Rhode Island And Providence Plantations, in New England, Volume 5, 1741 - 1756
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Ieškoti Records of the Colony of Rhode Island And Providence Plantations, in New England, Volume 5, 1741 - 1756
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Records of the Colony of Rhode Island And Providence Plantations, in New England, Volume 5, 1741 - 1756
610 įrašų
Records of the Colony of Rhode Island And Providence Plantations, in New England. Printed By Order of the General Assembly (1856). Vols. 8-10 have title: Records of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations ..<br><br>Vol. 1: Printed by order of the Legislature.<br><br> Transcribed and edited by John Russell Bartlett<br><br>"Fifty copies only of this edition on large paper printed--J. R. Bartlett," inscribed on verso of t.p<br><br>v. 1. 1636-1663.--v. 2. 1664-1677.--v. 3. 1678-1706.--v. 4. 1707-1740.--v. 5. 1741-1756.--v. 6. 1757-1769.--v. 7. 1770-1776.--v. 8. 1776-1779.--v. 9. 1780-1783.--v. 10. 1784-1792
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