Queensland Freeman 1885-1888
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Ieškoti Queensland Freeman 1885-1888
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Queensland Freeman 1885-1888
696 įrašų
Queensland Freeman 1881-88. 1881-88. The &apos;Queensland Freeman&apos; was the monthly journal of the Baptist association in Queensland. It was first published in January 1881 and continued through until November 1888.<br><br> Its aim was chiefly to unite the Baptist community in Queensland, to strengthen, encourage and inform its members concerning church activities and to spread the Word throughout the whole of Queensland.</p><p>The journal is particularly interesting for historians as it contains information on Baptist and secular events throughout Queensland, records of baptisms, information on ministers and other people, missions&apos; reports, notices of meetings and many other interesting snippets of information.</p><p>This CD contains almost every issue.
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