Belgium, Aalst Population Registers
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Belgium, Aalst Population Registers
328.844 įrašų
This collection contains records of population registers conducted in Aalst, Belgium between the years 1796 and 1881. Records typically include the name of the individual, the date and place of birth, and the age and residence at the time the population register was conducted.<br><br>The municipality of Aalst includes the villages of Baardegem, Erembodegem, Gijzegem, Herdersem, Hofstade, Meldert, Moorsel, and Nieuwerkerken.<br><br>The records in this collection were made public by <a href="" target="blank">Stad Aalast</a>
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Francois CumontResidence: 1867 - 2 Statiestraet, D District, Aalst, East Flanders, Belgium
Franz-Valéry-Marie Cumont was a Belgian archaeologist and historian, a philologist and student of epigraphy, who brought these often isolated specialties to bear on the syncretic mystery religions of Late Antiquity, notably Mithraism.