British Red Cross Society Volunteers, 1914-1918
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British Red Cross Society Volunteers, 1914-1918
242.513 įrašų
During World War I, thousands of volunteers joined the British Red Cross. They cared for sick and wounded soldiers and provided vital aid to the armed forces. These personnel records can give insight to the service that these volunteers provided. Records typically include the name of the volunteer, residence, date and location of service, year of engagement, rank, pay, description of duties, and any honors or awards that were given.<br><br>When the war broke out in 1914, thousands were motivated to join the war, whether as soldiers or as volunteers. Women joined the cause by taking courses in first aid, nursing, and cooking, opening up the medical field to women for the first time. Many joined Voluntary Aid Detachments (VADs), county branches of the Red Cross that provided a variety of services to the war effort. Members were trained in first aid, nursing, cookery, hygiene, and sanitation. After the war, many volunteers were given awards and honors for their service.<br><br>The records in this collection were made public by the British Red Cross.
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Sophia Duleep SinghService: Oct 1915 - Jan 1917
Princess Sophia Alexandrovna Duleep Singh was a prominent suffragette in the United Kingdom. During the early twentieth century, Singh was one of several Indian women who pioneered the cause of women's rights in Britain. Best remembered for her leading role in the Women's Tax Resistance League, she also participated in other women's suffrage groups, including the Women's Social and Political Union.