Graves County, Kentucky Census of 1850
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Graves County, Kentucky Census of 1850
418 įrašų
Graves County, Kentucky Census of 1850. Don Simmons. (1972)<BR>Simmons Historical Pubilications publishes a series of genealogical resource books for the atates of Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina.<br><br> These books are transcriptions of a variety of records including, but not limited to, censuses, newspapers, land deeds, wills, tax lists, city directories, county marriage records and tombstone inscriptions.<BR>Simmons Historical Pubilications publishes a series of genealogical resource books for the atates of Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina. These books are transcriptions of a variety of records including, but not limited to, censuses, newspapers, land deeds, wills, tax lists, city directories, county marriage records and tombstone inscriptions.
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