1901 metų Kanados surašymai
5,213,093 įrašų
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Ieškoti 1901 metų Kanados surašymai
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1901 metų Kanados surašymai
5.213.093 įrašų
The 1901 census of Canada was begun on March 31, 1901 and enumerated over 5.3 million people. Information recorded in the census includes: name, gender, color, relationship to head of household, marital status, birth date, age at last birthday, birthplace, immigration year, naturalization year, race, nationality, and religion. Additional questions recorded information regarding occupation, employment, education, literacy, and infirmities. Forms were printed with both English and French column headings; answers were recorded in the locally-spoken language. <br>The census images are from Library and Archives Canada.<br><br>In 1901 Canada consisted of the following provinces and territories: British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, the District of Keewatin, the Yukon Territory, and the Northwest Territories. The Northwest Territories were much larger than it is today; it was comprised of several districts—Alberta, Assiniboia, Athabasca, Franklin, Mackenzie, Saskatchewan, and Ungava.
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Frederick BantingTownship of Essa, Simcoe South, Ontario, Canada
Canadian medical scientist, physician, painter and Nobel laureate noted as the first person to use insulin on humans