Bostonas, Masačusetsas, keleivių sąrašai, 1820-1891
894,949 įrašų
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Ieškoti Bostonas, Masačusetsas, keleivių sąrašai, 1820-1891
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Bostonas, Masačusetsas, keleivių sąrašai, 1820-1891
894.949 įrašų
Passenger lists of vessels arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, from 2 September 1820 to 21 March 1874, and 1 January 1883 to 29 July 1891. The passenger lists dating between these two time periods were destroyed in a fire in Boston in 1894. Information listed includes arrival year, ship name, name of passenger, age, and origin information. Origin may refer to the passenger's nationality, birthplace, or last residence. Information can be confirmed by viewing the image of the passenger list. Additional information such as the passenger's occupation and destination may also be found on the passenger list image.<br><br>This collection is part of the <a href='' target='_self'> United States Passenger and Immigration Records Collection</a>.