De Ruvigny's Roll Of Honour 1914-1924
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De Ruvigny's Roll Of Honour 1914-1924
26.768 įrašų
This collection contains the biographies of well over 26,000 men of the British Army, Navy and Air Force who gave their lives in the Great War. 7,000 of the entries are accompanied by a photograph. The length and style of each entry varies according to the sources used. In some, the detail is restricted to the man's regiment and place and date of death, in others, where the family has provided the background, the entries often contain a detailed biographical account.<br><br>Originally published in five volumes, Marquis De Ruvigny's Roll Of Honour was intended as a compilation of biographical details with portraits of all those who had fallen in the service of their country. At the outset of the war this concept seemed achievable. However, as the war dragged on, it proved almost impossible to complete.